2014 Global Rights of Nature Summit Videos

The Global Alliance hosted the Global Rights of Nature Summit and Ethics Tribunal January 13-17, 2014 in beautiful Otavalo and Quito, Ecuador.  A diverse gathering of sixty scientists, attorneys, economists, indigenous leaders, authors, spiritual leaders, politicians, actors, and activists from 16 countries and 6 continents participated in the Global Rights of Nature Summit. Over 250 attended the Ethics Tribunal.   Read more about  Global Rights of Nature Summit Outcomesor  Rights of Nature Ethics Tribunal.

Videos to set up the dialogue: What does Rights of Nature look like around the world?  What does Rights of Nature mean for key sectors?

Pablo Solon Derechos de la Madre Tierra Bolivia

Cormac Cullinan, Rights of Mother Earth & the Peoples Charter for Africa

Dr Vandana Shiva, Rights of Nature and Earth Democracy

Linda Sheehan Rights of Water – Global Rights of Nature Summit

Shannon Biggs Rights of Nature Summit Economics

Michelle Maloney Rights Of Nature Summit on Australia New Zealand

Marlon Santi and Tom Goldtooth RoN Summit Indigenous Voice

Marlon Santi – Español; Tom Goldtooth English

Osprey Orielle Lake – Women, Climate Change and Rights of Nature

Mumta Ito proposing European Citizens Initiative for the Rights of Nature


Read the original article here

Sobre Adriana

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Listado de productos que no experimentan en animales. Cruelty free Colombia

A continuación te presentamos un listado de productos en Colombia que no testean en animales, y otros que son muy populares y realizan experimentación animal. Esto con el fin de visibilizar la problemática, presentar alternativas y soluciones que se dan a partir de un "pequeño" cambio individual: abandonar el consumo de productos que torturan vidas inocentes, por artículos que no han sido testeados y son de igual o mejor calidad.

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